It still kind of pains me to give up on a book. It feels like I'm getting an "incomplete" on my report card. But these days there are just too many books on my to-read list to waste time on something if I've lost the thread, or I can't keep the characters straight, or if I basically just fall out of the book--so I do just stop.
The Golden Notebook and The Savage Detectives are both behemoths, and I made it a good chunk of the way into both of them before giving up. I wanted to like them, but I gave myself permission to stick them back on the shelf.
HA I did the exact same thing with The Bell Jar when I was fifteen. Also, have you read Kavalier and Clay (Cavalier and Klay?)? I've started it three times and can't finish it and it's one of the last Pulitzer winners on my list and I think about it with dread in the night.
I did read Kavalier & Clay, and I was not super into it (I felt like probably if I was a comic book nerd I would have been) but I did stick that one out to the end because I at least was still following what was going on and who was who. but not a favorite.
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