Wednesday, April 15, 2009

mailbox happiness

This really cool girl gifted me an unlimited Netflix subscription last year while I was at home and sans real job or life, and it was awesome for those six months. (I watched the complete run of My So-Called Life, which is fantastic and I highly recommend.) Now I'm so cheap though that I can't even justify spending the five dollars a month for the lowest-level subscription, because I feel like I won't end up watching the movies because when I'm at home I usually just have the TV on in the background rather than sitting down to watch a full two-hour feature.

But, lo and behold, I found Maghound, a.k.a. Netflix for magazines. A mere $4.95 a month gets you three magazine subscriptions. Three! My first one hasn't come yet, so I'm not entirely sure yet that it's not too good to be true. But from what I understand, it's three full subscriptions, meaning if it's three weekly magazines, I would get each one every week. It almost seems like cheating. I signed up to try out New York, Time Out, and Martha Stewart Living. The first one is due to arrive in my mailbox on May first!

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